Unlock the Secrets of Rocks: Precision Petrography Solutions from Metkon

Dive deep into the intricate world of rocks and minerals with Metkon, your trusted partner in petrography sample preparation. For over 25 years, Metkon has supplied innovative, high-performance instruments to over 20,000 satisfied customers worldwide. Our instruments are meticulously designed to empower researchers and professionals across various fields, from geology and petrology to mineralogy and material science.

Exploring the Fascinating Field of Petrography:

Petrography unveils the hidden stories within rocks and minerals, offering valuable insights into their composition, formation, and history. By meticulously preparing samples, you can unlock critical information for diverse applications. Metkon's instruments are here to assist you every step of the way.

Our Comprehensive Petrography Instrument Portfolio:

  • GEOCUT 302-S Geological Cutting Machine: This robust machine delivers precise and efficient cutting of large and irregularly shaped geological samples.
  • GEOFORM 102 Precision Thin Section Cutting & Grinding Machine: Create flawless thin sections with unparalleled accuracy and control, ideal for detailed microscopic analysis.
  • FORCIPOL-TS Grinding and Polishing Machine: Achieve mirror-like finishes on your prepared samples with this versatile machine, ensuring optimal clarity and analysis.
  • Consumables for Petrography sample prep.

Beyond Instruments: Unparalleled Advantages:

  • Unyielding Accuracy: Achieve microscopic-level precision with our cutting-edge technology, minimizing artifacts and ensuring reliable data.
  • Unmatched Efficiency: Streamline your sample preparation process with user-friendly interfaces, automation options, and fast turnaround times.
  • Unwavering Durability: Invest in instruments built to last, constructed with robust materials and engineered for longevity.
  • Extensive Applications: Our instruments cater to diverse fields, supporting research in mineralogy, petrology, geology, material science, and more.

Invest in Metkon, Invest in Discovery:

Metkon provides more than just equipment; we offer comprehensive solutions and unwavering support. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you choose the right tools and optimize your sample preparation process. Unlock the true potential of your research with Metkon - contact us today and embark on a journey of discovery!

Available in: Malaysia & Singapore
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Petrography Sample Preparation Products

Geological Cutting Machine

GEOCUT 302-S Geological Automatic Cutting Machine

Empowers precise and efficient cutting of large, complex geological samples for in-depth analysis.

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Precision Thin Section Cutting & Grinding Machine

GEOFORM 102 Precision Thin Section Cutting and Grinding Machine

Seamlessly transitions your geological samples from rough rock to 30-micron thin sections with its precision cutting and grinding capabilities, unlocking the secrets hidden within.

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Petrographic Grinding and Polishing Machine

FORCIPOL-TS Grinding and Polishing Machine

Achieve mirror-like finishes on your petrographic samples with this versatile grinding and polishing machine, maximizing clarity and unlocking microscopic insights.

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Consumables for Petrography

Consumable for Petrographic Sample Preparation Machine

From precise cuts to pristine polishes, Metkon's dedicated diamond blades, grinding discs, and polishing consumables empower your petrography sample preparation machines.

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