ANALYSING CONTAINER - Complete Online Quality Control Systems

OCS has offered fully customized Analyzing Containers, which can combine multiple OCS Analyzing and Testing Systems into a single unit. Besides meeting the customer’s comprehensive quality control requirements and feature early detection of product issues in production, this is a location independent laboratory.

Available in: Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam
Manufacturer's website :

  • Standardised online concepts for a ‘closed loop’
  • Constant quality control
  • Customised equipment options, for example HVA (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) and other measurement and analysis systems
  • Location-independent laboratory

  • OCS Line (Cast Film or Tape)
  • OCS Pellet Analysing System (PA66)
  • OCS Melt Flow Measurement System (OP5)
  • OCS Pellet Transport System (PTS)